Approach to Complementary Feeding and Infant Language Use: An Observational Study

Approach to Complementary Feeding and Infant Language Use: An Observational Study

Infants who fed themselves more often during mealtime were observed to produce more vocalisations. Greater infant self-feeding was associated with greater caregiver language use, and the quality and quantity of caregiver speech explained the relationship between greater infant self-feeding and greater infant vocalisations.


Emerging research suggests that a more infant-led approach to complementary feeding may confer benefits for child language, but these findings are based on parent report studies. Using an observational approach this study examines whether different complementary feeding experiences relate to infant language exposure and language use. Fifty-eight parents recorded a typical infant mealtime in the home (mean infant age = 14 months, SD = 4.15). Observations were coded to measure the prevalence of infant-led and parent-led feeding using the Family Mealtime Coding Scheme. Caregiver language use (word types and token directed at the child, mean length of utterances in child-directed speech, responsiveness and initiations) and the number of infant vocalisations were coded in ELAN using CHAT conventions and parents completed the MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory short form as a measure of child language. Greater observed infant self-feeding was significantly associated with greater observed exposure to language from caregivers (r = 0.312 percentage of infant self-feeding correlated with caregiver word types directed at the child) and a greater number of infant vocalisations (r = 0.320 percentage of infant self-feeding correlated with number of child vocalisations produced). Structural Equation Modelling showed the relationship between infant self-feeding and infant vocalisations to be significantly mediated by enhanced quality and quantity of caregiver child-directed speech (model fit: χ
2 [5] = 5.01, p = 0.415, CFI = 1.00 [NF = 0.98], RMSEA = 0.006). Differences in the approach to complementary feeding may shape infant’s experiences in ways that support language exposure and use. Autonomy associated with infant self-feeding may enhance opportunities for social interaction.

Maternal &Child Nutrition, EarlyView. Read More

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