Nutrients, Vol. 17, Pages 237: Food Insecurity Predictors Differ for White, Multicultural, and International College Students in the United States

Nutrients, Vol. 17, Pages 237: Food Insecurity Predictors Differ for White, Multicultural, and International College Students in the United States

Nutrients doi: 10.3390/nu17020237

Abigail A. Glick
Donna M. Winham
Mack C. Shelley

Background: Higher education institutions and public health agencies in the United States (US) have recognized that food insecurity is pervasive and interferes with student learning on multiple levels. However, less research has examined food insecurity among culturally diverse college students. A cross-sectional online survey was conducted to estimate the prevalence and predictors of food insecurity for US-born White, US-born Multicultural, and International students aged 18–34 at a Midwest university. The secondary aims were to describe dietary and meal characteristics, and the use of food assistance programs, including the on-campus food pantry. Methods: In April 2022, 853 students completed the 10-item US Adult Food Security Module, and demographic, dietary fat intake, food attitude, food access barriers, and nutrition assistance program usage questions using a socio ecological model (SEM) framework. Results: Food security prevalence was 73.3% (54.7% high, 18.5% marginal) and food insecurity prevalence was 26.7% (14.4% low, 12.3% very low). Significantly more International (26.8%) and Multicultural (35.6%) students were classified as food-insecure compared to White students (19.9%; p < 0.001). Binomial and multinomial logistic regression models indicated that predictors of food insecurity were intrapersonal factors of race/ethnicity, poor self-reported health, being an undergraduate, and the community barriers of high food costs and limited transportation. Conclusions: Dietary characteristics differed more by nativity–ethnicity groups than they did by food security levels. Food cost emerged as a strong influence on food choice for the food-insecure students. International students utilized more nutrition assistance programs, including the on-campus food pantry, than other groups.

​Background: Higher education institutions and public health agencies in the United States (US) have recognized that food insecurity is pervasive and interferes with student learning on multiple levels. However, less research has examined food insecurity among culturally diverse college students. A cross-sectional online survey was conducted to estimate the prevalence and predictors of food insecurity for US-born White, US-born Multicultural, and International students aged 18–34 at a Midwest university. The secondary aims were to describe dietary and meal characteristics, and the use of food assistance programs, including the on-campus food pantry. Methods: In April 2022, 853 students completed the 10-item US Adult Food Security Module, and demographic, dietary fat intake, food attitude, food access barriers, and nutrition assistance program usage questions using a socio ecological model (SEM) framework. Results: Food security prevalence was 73.3% (54.7% high, 18.5% marginal) and food insecurity prevalence was 26.7% (14.4% low, 12.3% very low). Significantly more International (26.8%) and Multicultural (35.6%) students were classified as food-insecure compared to White students (19.9%; p < 0.001). Binomial and multinomial logistic regression models indicated that predictors of food insecurity were intrapersonal factors of race/ethnicity, poor self-reported health, being an undergraduate, and the community barriers of high food costs and limited transportation. Conclusions: Dietary characteristics differed more by nativity–ethnicity groups than they did by food security levels. Food cost emerged as a strong influence on food choice for the food-insecure students. International students utilized more nutrition assistance programs, including the on-campus food pantry, than other groups. Read More

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