Objective of the study: Innovation hubs have taken on a leading role in innovation-led regional development. This article seeks to understand the role of the individual orchestrators of innovation hubs from different stages.
Methodology: A multiple case study was conducted with three reference innovation hubs – Instituto Caldeira, Instituto Hélice, and Aliança Empresarial, located in different regions of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil, with different market characteristics, sizes, and involvement with innovation.
Originality/Relevance: The work’s originality lies in understanding the role of the individual who is orchestrating the innovation hubs. Previous literature has focused on orchestration activities but has not considered who would perform this task.
Main results: Unlike what is mentioned in the literature, we discovered that the orchestrator needs to act on a multi-level. This study, therefore, presents a model to guide the role of individual orchestrators of innovation hubs.
Theoretical/Methodological contributions: This study opens the black box of the orchestrator’s role and explores the individual level of orchestration. From this, it contributes to a role that operates at the operational, tactical, and strategic levels.
Social/management contributions: The categorization provides a managerial framework to assist in the organization, development, and orchestration of innovation hubs. The research contributes to defining the roles of individual orchestrators in practice, helping hubs of different formats to promote more innovation from their relationships.
Objective of the study: Innovation hubs have taken on a leading role in innovation-led regional development. This article seeks to understand the role of the individual orchestrators of innovation hubs from different stages. Methodology: A multiple case study was conducted with three reference innovation hubs – Instituto Caldeira, Instituto Hélice, and Aliança Empresarial, located in different regions of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil, with different market characteristics, sizes, and involvement with innovation. Originality/Relevance: The work’s originality lies in understanding the role of the individual who is orchestrating the innovation hubs. Previous literature has focused on orchestration activities but has not considered who would perform this task. Main results: Unlike what is mentioned in the literature, we discovered that the orchestrator needs to act on a multi-level. This study, therefore, presents a model to guide the role of individual orchestrators of innovation hubs. Theoretical/Methodological contributions: This study opens the black box of the orchestrator’s role and explores the individual level of orchestration. From this, it contributes to a role that operates at the operational, tactical, and strategic levels. Social/management contributions: The categorization provides a managerial framework to assist in the organization, development, and orchestration of innovation hubs. The research contributes to defining the roles of individual orchestrators in practice, helping hubs of different formats to promote more innovation from their relationships. Read More