The reporter’s notebook, that indispensable instrument of the profession, may be facing its own digital disruption. As Gabe Bullard explores in Tool of the Trade, these slim, top-wired notepads may be on the road to obsolescence.
While digital tools continue to reshape journalism, many reporters still cherish the simplicity of a notebook. For some, it offers a physical connection to their work and for others, it’s a reminder of their earliest days in the field. From Nic Garcia’s journey to design his own custom notebooks to the legacy of Stationers Inc., Bullard’s piece highlights the enduring sentimental and functional value of this tool.
Do you have a reporter’s notebook with a history of its own — or a favorite one (or box full) you’ve hung on to for years? We want to hear your story. Share a photo of your favorite notebook (JPEG or PNG format) and, in 200 characters or less, tell us about a moment it captured. Selected submissions may be highlighted in a celebration of the lasting legacy of the reporter’s notebook.
Submit your responseThe post We Want to See Your Reporter’s Notebook appeared first on Nieman Reports.
The reporter’s notebook, that indispensable instrument of the profession, may be facing its own digital disruption. As Gabe Bullard explores in Tool of the Trade, these slim, top-wired notepads may be on the road to obsolescence. While digital tools continue to reshape journalism, many reporters still cherish the simplicity of a notebook. For some, it offers a physical connection to their work and for others, it’s a reminder of their earliest days in the field. From Nic Garcia’s journey to design his own custom notebooks to the legacy of Stationers Inc., Bullard’s piece highlights the enduring sentimental and functional value of this tool. Do you have a reporter’s notebook with a history of its own — or a favorite one (or box full) you’ve hung on to for years? We want to hear your story. Share a photo of your favorite notebook (JPEG or PNG format) and, in 200 characters or less, tell us about a moment it captured. Selected submissions may be highlighted in a celebration of the lasting legacy of the reporter’s notebook. Submit your response The post We Want to See Your Reporter’s Notebook appeared first on Nieman Reports. Read More